OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (2024)

While Guthix Sleeps is a Grandmaster quest. Considered one of the most immersive missions in OSRS. In this quest, the player continues the story of the Mahjarrat and seeks one of the most powerful artifacts in the world, ensuring it does not fall into the wrong hands. This artifact, known by many names, is most recently called the Stone of Jas. It has influenced the history of Gielinor, from the creation of the first Runes to the fall of Zaros.

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (1)

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Required Quests:

Defender of Varrock

Shield of Arrav

Temple of Ikov

Below Ice Mountain

Family Crest

What Lies Below

Romeo & Juliet

Demon Slayer

The Path of Glouphrie

The Eyes of Glouphrie

The Grand Tree

Waterfall Quest

Tree Gnome Village

Fight Arena

Dream Mentor

Lunar Diplomacy

The Fremennik Trials

Lost City

Rune Mysteries

Shilo Village

Jungle Potion

The Hand in the Sand


Recruitment Drive

Black Knights' Fortress

Druidic Ritual

The Lost Tribe

Goblin Diplomacy

Temple of the Eye

Enter the Abyss

Rune Mysteries

Tears of Guthix

Nature Spirit

Priest in Peril

The Restless Ghost

A Tail of Two Cats

Icthlarin's Little Helper

Gertrude's Cat

Required Skills:

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (3)180Quest points

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (4)72Thieving(not boostable)

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (5)67Magic

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (6)66Agility

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (7)65Farming

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (8)65Herblore

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (9)62Hunter

Required Items:


Ring of charos(a)or 500 coins

One of each of the following runes:air,water,earth,fire,mind,law,death

Seed dibber(only if Barbarian Farming Training has not been completed)

Lantern lens

Unpowered orb

Bronze med helm

Iron chainbody

Sapphire lantern

Runes to cast theNPC Contactspell four times (8air runes, 4astral rune, 4cosmic rune)

Runes for any charge orb spell (30 runes of a chosen element and 3cosmic runes)

Equipment for two different attack styles

Mort myre fungus

1logof any type except redwood

Pink dye

Snapdragon seed


Restore potion

1law rune

1death rune

Taverley teleport

Access tofairy rings

MultipleFalador Teleports, or aRing of returningwith your respawn set inFalador

Antipoisonor items that can curepoison

Start Point

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (10)

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (11)


Items recommended: Antipoison and combat equipment to defeat two level 147 Assassins.

The player may receive an Armadyl communiqué from a Guardian of Armadyl during gameplay, but it is not necessary to start the quest. Players may choose to wait and receive it if they wish to acquire the item.

Speak to Ivy Sophista in Taverley to begin the quest. She is found in the same building that houses the crystal chest. She will tell you about the danger that Lucien poses and will refer you to Thaerisk, as what he is going to say requires the utmost secrecy. Head up the ladder and talk to Thaerisk, who will continue to talk about Lucien, explaining that the evil Mahjarrat has become even more powerful since acquiring the Staff of Armadyl.

Fending off assassins with Thaerisk

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (13)

As Thaerisk speaks, the two of you will be attacked by assassins disguised as druids; one will focus on Thaerisk, and the other will attack you. The assassins attack with ranged attacks and, every so often, will yell "Now!", launching a glowing arrow at the player. Shortly after this arrow lands, the other assassin will say "Nothing personal, adventurer!" and attack once with a dragon dagger special attack. Swap to Protect from Melee after the arrow lands, and then focus back on the assassin. You do not have to worry about Thaerisk; he cannot die in this encounter, and his Earth Blast spells can easily fend off the assassin focused on him.

Note: there is currently a small glitch where the player may not be able to attack the second assassin, so let Thaerisk kill him off if this occurs.

Speak with Thaerisk again to learn that many operatives of the Crux Eqal, followers of Guthix who play an active part in combating threats to Gielinor, have allied with the Guardians of Armadyl in response to attacks from Lucien's agents. Thaerisk will reveal that they have reached out to the Temple Knights, believing it necessary to unite followers of different gods to oppose Lucien.

He will suggest that players look for a researcher named Movario, who he suspects stole the Staff of Armadyl. Their best lead so far is that he hired a member of the Khazard Army named Darve to act as a bodyguard, and that the Fight Arena is a good place to start looking.

Monitoring Movario

Bravo, Broav!

- Items needed: 500 coins or ring of Charos(a), log, knife
- Items recommended:Fairy ring teleport (Lunar staff, Dramen staff, or Lumbridge elite diary)

Head to the Fight Arena, then make your way to the laundry house, two buildings north of the Fight Arena Bar. Inside, you will find the Khazard Launderer. Try to speak to him regarding Movario. He will be skeptical to give information, so either charm him with the ring of Charos(a), or bribe him with 500 coins. He will tell you that he doesn't know where Movario lives but will mention that he has a dirty shirt that is too damaged to be washed, and he will give the shirt to you. He will also mention that you should speak to the hunting expert at Feldip Hills if you want to catch a broav of your own to track Movario to his base.

Make your way to the Feldip Hunter area (fairy ring code AKS is the quickest method) and seek out the hunting expert in a wooden building, southwest of the fairy ring. Note that the other hunting expert outside the red chinchompa hunting ground entrance is not the correct expert; the Hunter Tutor icon found on the minimap marks the correct tutor's location. Ask the tutor about catching broavs, and she will offer to train one for you if you bring her one. She will provide you with a mort myre fungus as bait; bring this to the trap west of her location and set up a pitfall trap (requiring a knife and logs—logs can be acquired from nearby jungle trees, and an axe can be found right outside the building if the player did not bring one). After setting up the trap, use the fungus on it to bait it, and wait for a wild broav to appear and fall inside. Once you have an unconscious broav, bring it back to the hunting expert.

Movario's Base

- Items needed:1 air rune, 1 mind rune, 1 earth rune, 1 fire rune, 1 water rune, dirty shirt, and the broav
- Items recommended:Coal bag, log basket, food

After speaking to the hunting expert once more, head to the battlefield and enter the ruined building near the Carnillean mansion (Maplink). Once here, drop the broav, then use the shirt on it. Follow the broav to a broken table; once the broav squeals, the broken table can be searched, revealing a trapdoor underneath it. Open the trapdoor to enter Movario's Base.

Upon entering the base, you will be attacked by melee-using Elite Khazard Guards as soon as you open the door. When ready, make your way to the northwest area (shaped like a hook on the minimap) and climb down the stairs, where you find yourself in a room with an old battered door in the way. Note that all teleportation from this point onward is blocked. Right-click inspect the door, and pay close attention to the word "PROHIBITED"; one of the letters is stylized after a rune, which is the rune you must use to open the door. This rune is different for every player.

Using the incorrect rune on the door will result in an unblockable blast of magic fired at you, dealing 20+ damage. The color of the blast indicates the correct rune that should have been used.

SymbolLetterRuneBlast color
OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (14)OOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (15)Purple
OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (16)HOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (17)Green
OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (18)EOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (19)White
OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (20)EOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (21)Red
OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (22)DOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (23)Blue

Upon using the correct rune, proceed through the door. Note that you cannot enter if you weigh less than 1 kg, so unequip any weight-reducing clothing you may be wearing before moving forward.

As you enter the room, a section of the floor will sink slightly under your weight. In this room, filled with bookcases with wires running between them, the objective is to open the caged door by diverting power from the gates to the wires. Begin by searching the bookcases until the chatbox indicates that you hear a click as you pull a lever. From that initial bookcase, follow the floor wires that illuminate and search the subsequent bookcase, continuing to do so until the chatbox indicates that the electric gate is deactivated. This message indicates the gate can now be safely opened. Enter the gate, then search the spiral staircase and disable the trap, then climb it to access Movario's study.

In the study, search the desk to obtain Movario's notes (volume 1), and click through all pages. Next, pick up the waste-paper basket next to the desk and search it for a ruby key. Use this key on the northernmost bookcase to the west to access a rising staircase; this has no traps, so proceed upstairs.

Search the bed to uncover a bed chest beneath it, then use the ruby key on the chest to unlock it. Right-click "search" the bed chest (choosing "Open" will trigger a trap dealing 18+ damage). Then, open the chest and search the open chest for Movario's notes (volume 2). Read it, and do not discard them, as you must give them to Thaerisk later on.

Weight and See

Head back downstairs to the study. At the southern side of the room, inspect the painting on the wall and pull the lever to reveal an entrance to a hidden room. Cross over the broken wall, then search the drawers to obtain some notes on pressure. Read it, then look at the pressure gauge, which displays a number in the unit of "tickits"; this value represents the sum of the weight of the statue, as well as that of any objects on top of it. Exiting the room requires the pressure gauge to read the same value as the weight indicated in your Equipment Stats interface.

Note: the weight here is especially relevant when (optionally) looting the base. While not necessary for quest completion, there is a tunnel in the southwest part of the room. Entering the tunnel brings you to a room where you can loot 100 death runes, 100 fire runes, 100 coal, and 100 magic logs. Note that the coal and magic logs are looted in unnoted form, so bringing a coal bag and log basket will be advantageous for those seeking to reduce trips back and forth.

If your mass is different than the value of tickits indicated by the pressure gauge, you must do one of two things. Both require you to take weights from the pile of weights nearby, where there are three sizes available: 1kg, 2kg, and 5kg.

- If your mass is lower than the value from the pressure gauge you must take enough weights from the pile to increase your weight to match the pressure gauge's value.
- If your mass is higher, you must take enough weights from the pile and put them on the statue to the north.

For example, if you weigh 41 kg, and the pressure gauge reads 11 tickits, you must put 30 kg on the statue (11 + 30 = 41). If you weigh 29 kg and the pressure gauge reads 31 tickits, you must pick up 2 kg from the weight pile and keep it in your inventory (31 - 29 = 2).

Once your weight and the reading on the pressure gauge are equal, the eastern door will unlock, allowing you to leave via teleportation. If you made a mistake, a small contraption by the door will count down to three, indicating the number of tries the player has before triggering a trap, which will spray gas and throw the player into a jail room, confiscating Movario's notes. Players may simply retrace their steps to get them back.

Forming a Fellowship

- Items needed:Movario's notes (volume 1), Movario's notes (volume 2), combat equipment, lantern lens, 20 coins for pink dye from Betty, a snapdragon seed (or coins equal to roughly half its Grand Exchange price, currently at 21,000), seed dibber (if the player hasn't completed the Farming part of Barbarian Training), runes to cast the NPC Contact spell four times (8 air runes, 4 astral rune, 4 cosmic rune)
- Items recommended: Fairy ring access, multiple teleports to Falador, a teleport to the Warrior's Guild (Strength Cape, Combat bracelet, or Games necklace)

The Mahjarrat's Mercenaries

Head back to Thaerisk at Taverley and show him the notes you stole from Movario's Base. He will then tell you that in your absence, the Crux Eqal have managed to secure the Temple Knights as allies, and that a base of operations is being established at the White Knights' Castle. Additionally, they have lost contact with Idria and the Guardians of Armadyl; as such, Thaerisk will ask that you head to McGrubor's Wood to check up on them.

The quickest way to reach McGrubor's Wood is via fairy ring (code ALS). Once there, head to the building by way of the loose railing to the east, where a cutscene begins in which Lucien's mercenaries will attack the Guardians of Armadyl. Kill the two mercenary axemen, then finish off the mercenary mage; when the mage teleports away at low health, you can proceed to speak to Idria, who you will inform of the Crux Eqal moving their base of operations to the White Knights' Castle.

Telling the Truth

Head to the Falador castle, where you will meet Akrisae along with Thaerisk and Idria. Despite their differing beliefs, they agree that Lucien poses a threat and that they all must work together to stop him. Based on Movario's notes, they will conclude that he is looking for the Stone of Jas, an extremely powerful artifact of ancient origin. They will add that the spies Lucien sent to monitor Movario could be captured for interrogation, and that they have an improved version of a truth serum to use on them. Akrisae will give you a teleorb that you must plant on a spy, which will then teleport the spy into the jail cell once the corresponding teleport spell is cast.

In Draynor Village, you will find a number of shady strangers and suspicious outsiders. Use the teleorb on any of them. Make sure to avoid talking to the stranger first, as you will be unable to plant the orb on them for some time. Note that it is possible to fail, causing you to take a small amount of damage. Once you've succeeded, make your way back to White Knights' Castle and speak to Akrisae, who will forcefully teleport the spy into the cell.

A cutscene will play in which a druid attempts to coax the spy into drinking the truth serum, but the spy will kick them, knocking him out and breaking the "juice." You will now need to make another one on behalf of Thaerisk, who tells you that the enhanced serum uses an enriched snapdragon, and directs you to Betty in Port Sarim; he will offer a teleport there.

Before being teleported, make sure you have a lantern lens and 20 coins. Additionally, you can purchase a snapdragon seed from Thaerisk for roughly half its Grand Exchange price, which currently costs 21,000 coins. Note that this is a one-off purchase, and if you lose the seed, you'll need to provide another one yourself.

When ready, accept Thaerisk's teleport. Talk to Betty and purchase the pink dye from her, then use it on the lantern lens to obtain a rose-tinted lens. Next, speak to her again, asking about enriching snapdragon seeds. She will realize you are working with Thaerisk, since she is aware only he would need it, but willing to help nonetheless.

To enrich the seed, the player needs to use the tinted lens on the shop counter whilst standing at the doorway. Pick up the enriched snapdragon seed and return to Thaerisk.

Amassing the Masters

With the seed in tow, Thaerisk will instruct you to plant the enriched seed in a special patch on top of the castle. Climb up the western stairs to the top of the castle (three floors up), then plant the seed in the patch (the seed cannot become diseased). As the herb grows, speak to Idria, who will ask that you assemble a small task force to take on Lucien alongside you, all of which can be recruited via NPC Contact:

- Turael - in Burthorpe
- Mazchna - in Canifis
- Duradel - in Shilo Village, reached by climbing the ladder in the fishing shop.
- Cyrisus - cast NPC Contact and select him in the interface

The player can visit each master in person, but it is recommended to use NPC Contact instead, since Cyrisus requires the spell to be contacted anyway. Talk to them about Lucien, and they will agree to help.

Once all four heroes are recruited, the herb will have finished growing, so return to the patch and harvest an enriched snapdragon. Head back down to Thaerisk, who will give you a regular truth serum; use the enriched snapdragon on it to create the super truth serum.

If you don't already have a charcoal and papyrus, they can be obtained in the drawers just south of the jail cell next to the Suit of Armour. With the super truth serum, go inside the jail cell. The stranger will refuse to talk, so you will threaten him instead, causing him to quickly comply and consume the serum. He will reveal that he takes orders from a man named the Dark Squall, and then describe Squall's appearance. You will automatically make a suspect sketch.

Give the sketch to Idria, who will tell you that she will get them copied for wanted posters and passed around to the Temple Knight's spies. In the meantime, she will ask that you recruit Ghommal, Harrallak Menarous, and Sloane, who can all be found in the Warriors' Guild. Ghommal and Harrallak can be found right by the guild's entrance, whilst Sloane can be found one floor above.

Return to Akrisae, who has potential new developments regarding the Dark Squall. However, the group is interrupted by the appearance of Hazelmere, who will reveal to you that the vision he told you about refers to Lucien, and offers his assistance.

The Dark Squall

- Items Needed:13 free inventory spaces,Bronze med helm and iron chainbody (or a black armour set),Unpowered orb and runes for any charge orb spell (standard spellbook required),Law rune, Death rune,Combat equipment for two combat styles (Magic recommended)
- Items Recommended:Emergency teleport,Stamina potion,Prayer potion,Food

Speak to Akrisae at the White Knights' Castle. He will inform you that the Dark Squall has been seen near the Black Knights' Fortress and that his operative, Silif, went to investigate but hasn't returned. Akrisae asks you to investigate and ensure Silif's safety.

Enter the Black Knights' Fortress using your disguise (bronze med helm and iron chainbody or black armour set). Push the hidden wall directly ahead and climb down the ladder. Head south towards the tiled flooring and search the carved tile with an orb symbol. Cast any charged orb spell on it to transform it into a trapdoor, then climb down to enter the Black Knight Catacombs.

The Catacombs are filled with aggressive elite Kinshra (Elite Black Knights, Elite Dark Warriors, Elite Dark Mages, and Elite Dark Rangers) unless you are wearing a full set of elite black armour, which can be obtained from these enemies.

- From the trapdoor, head immediately north to the broken bridge, praying Protect from Missiles.
- Jump across the bridge and head east at the first intersection.
- Climb up the wall to the second level.
- Run all the way northwest past the barricades until you reach two solid doors.
- Use the western door first to unlock a shortcut back to the Catacombs entrance, then enter the northern door to reach the Dark Squall's inner base.

In the inner base, the enemies attack with melee and are resistant to melee and ranged attacks. Use magic for an effective strategy.

- Equip the elite black armour (helm, chest, and legs) to make the enemies non-aggressive.
- Search the desks and wardrobes in the room for the Dark Squall's robes, a strange teleorb, a law rune, a death rune, and items for Silif's rescue (a second set of elite black armour, a lobster, and a restore potion).
- Search the northern key rack for a cell key.

Rescue Silif

- Head back to the jail cells using the nearest eastern path.
- Use the cell key to enter the northernmost cell and give Silif the lobster and restore potion.
- Talk to Silif, who will ask to access the inner base to study the Dark Squall's maps.
- Give him the second set of elite black armour, and he will follow you.

Plant the Teleorb on the Dark Squall

- Return to the room with the desks and wardrobes and lead Silif to the map board by the southern wall.
- While he studies the maps, he will ask you to find the Dark Squall and plant a teleorb on him.

Prepare for the Boss Fight

Items Needed:

- Squall's robes
- Teleorb
- Combat equipment for magic
- One death rune
- Runes for the following standard spells: Telekinetic Grab, Low Level Alchemy/High Level Alchemy, Snare/Entangle, Weaken/Enfeeble, and the best offensive spell the player can cast (powered staves will not work)

- Equip the Squall robes and re-enter the fortress room.
- Attempt to use the ladder leading up on the eastern side of the room.

An Elite Black Knight will stop you, but your disguise will fool him, triggering a cutscene where you encounter the real Dark Squall, revealed to be Surok Magis.

Boss Fight with Surok Magis:

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (24)

- Surok has 450 hitpoints and attacks with Fire Surge.
- He uses both Protect from Melee and Protect from Missiles.
- Attack with magic and pray Protect from Magic.
- Use combat spells from the standard spellbook to damage him.

After defeating Surok, use the teleorb on him and return to White Knights' Castle.

Wrath of Lucien

Items Needed:
- Dark Squall's robes
- Strange teleorb
- 1 death rune
- 1 law rune

Report to Akrisae

- Speak to Akrisae and report back on your findings. He will inform you that they have located Lucien's base at the western edge of the Wilderness and that you need to impersonate Surok to gain access.

Teleport to Lucien's Camp

- Walk into the jail cell, and Akrisae will teleport you back into Surok's inner base.
- Activate the strange teleorb while standing in the magical circle (requires a law and death rune, not in a rune pouch) to teleport into Lucien's camp.

Infiltrate Lucien's Camp

- The camp is inhabited by level 128 skeletons and Undead Mages, who will not be aggressive if you are wearing Surok's robes.
- Run along the northeast path until you are across from the Chaos Temple.
- Climb up the ice wall to the east and jump to the ledge on the Chaos Temple (this is a safe area and does not count as being in the Wilderness).

Witness the Cutscene

A cutscene will play, showing Lucien with the Staff of Armadyl raising Undead Heroes. He will notice you, see through your disguise, and attack. Hazelmere will call on the band of heroes to engage Lucien. Various heroes will engage Lucien but will be defeated, and Hazelmere will sacrifice himself to save you. Return to White Knights' Castle.

Into the Chasm

- Items Needed:Dark Squall's robes,Lit sapphire lantern,Sufficient prayer points to cast Bloom

- Items Recommended:Some means of reaching the Chasm of Tears (e.g., a games necklace),Stamina potions,Filled druid pouches or 3 mort myre fungus to refill it,4 empty inventory slots

1. Speak to Idria, Akrisae, or Thaerisk

- They will apologize for underestimating Lucien's strength.
- Akrisae will inform you that Movario has been spotted entering the Chasm of Tears, following the trail for the Stone of Jas. You are to impersonate Surok and assist him.

2. Travel to the Chasm of Tears

- Use a games necklace to teleport to Tears of Guthix.
- Cross past the minigame and climb the rocks to reach Movario.

3. Speak to Movario

- In your Surok disguise, speak to Movario.
- He believes the Stone is at the bottom of the chasm but lacks the means to climb down.
- Reveal that light creatures can help with a sapphire lantern.
- Movario will cast a spell to attract a light creature. Click on it to descend.

Rock Bottom

1. Search Skeletal Remains

- Search the nearby skeletal remains for a spade, a hammer, and a chisel.

2. Uncover Braziers

- Use the spade on the pile of rocks next to the skeleton to uncover a brazier. Chisel it for a fire orb.
- Head west, use the spade on another pile for an earth orb.
- Head south, chisel the intact brazier for an air orb.
- Head east, chisel the brazier for a water orb.

3. Obtain Elemental Blocks

- Head south to four skull cavities.
- Examine the recessed block and use the corresponding orb to obtain the elemental block.
- For the water block, climb the walls next to the center skull to find it.

4. Insert Elemental Blocks

- Enter each skull's nose cavity without a weapon or shield equipped.
- Use the corresponding elemental block on each mechanism (the fire block goes on the top floor, the other elements are random for each player based on the examine text).

5. Open the Ancient Guthixian Temple

- Climb to the fourth skull, use the fire block on the recessed block, and inspect the stone cube to reveal a cave opening.
- Climb through to enter the Ancient Guthixian Temple.

Dolmens, Doors, and Druids

1. Reach the Central Chamber

- Make your way south to the central chamber with the stone table.
- Search the nearby skeleton for a silver sickle (b) and six druid pouch charges.

2. Gather Ingredients

- Follow the forked paths to find statues representing various skills or aspects (different for each player).
- Use a druid pouch on druid spirits along the paths to release their spirits and receive herblore ingredients.
- Use the silver sickle to cast Bloom on dead vines to refill your druid pouch as needed.
- Use the brazier at the entrance for a stamina potion effect (Ring of endurance effect if equipped).

3. Examine Statues and Use Ingredients

- Examine each statue and use the corresponding ingredients on it:

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (25)

AgilityOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (26)Toadflax+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (27)Toad's legs
AttackingOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (28)Guam leaf+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (29)Eye of newtorOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (30)Irit leaf+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (31)Eye of newt
BalanceOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (32)Harralander+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (33)Red spiders' eggs+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (34)Garlic+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (35)Silver dust
CombatOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (36)Harralander+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (37)Goat horn dust
DefenceOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (38)Ranarr weed+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (39)White berriesorOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (40)Cadantine+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (41)White berries
EnergyOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (42)Avantoe+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (43)Mort myre fungusorOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (44)Harralander+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (45)Chocolate dust
FishingOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (46)Avantoe+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (47)Snape grass
HuntingOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (48)Avantoe+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (49)Kebbit teeth dust
MagicOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (50)Lantadyme+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (51)Potato cactus
PrayerOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (52)Ranarr weed+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (53)Snape grass
RangingOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (54)Dwarf weed+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (55)Wine of zamorak
RestorationOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (56)Snapdragon+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (57)Red spiders' eggsorOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (58)Harralander+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (59)Red spiders' eggs
StrengthOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (60)Tarromin+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (61)Limpwurt rootorOSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (62)Kwuarm+OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (63)Limpwurt root

- Using the correct ingredients on a statue will give you a dolmen.

4. Use Dolmens on the Stone Table

- Use all dolmens on the stone table in the central chamber.
- The huge door will open.

Prepare for the Final Battles

- Leave the temple if necessary to ready yourself.
- You will no longer need the Dark Squall's robes.

The Stone of Jas

- Items Needed:Sapphire lantern,Combat equipment for three attack styles

- Items Recommended:Super restore potions,Menaphite remedy,Book of the dead and runes for thralls

1. Prepare for the Final Battle

- Ensure you have combat equipment for at least two attack styles, and items to restore drained stats.
- It's crucial to bring equipment for three attack styles to counter the Balance Elemental effectively.

2. Facing the Balance Elemental

- Head beyond the huge door and proceed through the corridor until a cutscene triggers.
- The Balance Elemental, guardian of the Stone of Jas, will appear and engage you in combat.
- It has 750 hitpoints and attacks with all three combat styles (ranged, melee, magic), changing styles after four attacks.
- It uses a special attack that drains your combat stats and prayer significantly before resuming normal attacks.
- The elemental's head appearance indicates its primary combat style:
- Fiery head: Ranged attacks (pray against Ranged)
- Stony head: Melee attacks (pray against Melee)
- Watery head: Magic attacks (pray against Magic)
- Switch prayers immediately upon the elemental changing appearance to negate damage.

3. Defeating the Elemental

- As the elemental's hitpoints decrease, it will speed up its attacks and occasionally use protection prayers.
- Maintain vigilance on prayer switching and avoid being overwhelmed by its attack speed.
- If you die, Movario and Darve will place your gravestone; no additional sapphire lantern is needed to retrieve items.

4. Touching the Stone of Jas

- Once the elemental is defeated, touch the Stone of Jas.
- You will relive memories with other stone-users like Movario and Darve.
- Lucien suddenly appears, questioning Movario about the discovery and seizing the Stone.
- He summons two Tormented Demons to attack you.

5. Fighting the Tormented Demons

- Your stats are temporarily increased to 255 after touching the Stone of Jas, making you powerful.
- Use this advantage to defeat the Tormented Demons one at a time.
- They have a fire shield that slightly reduces damage and can bind you before launching fire projectiles.
- Avoid the fire projectiles by moving away from targeted tiles.

6. Aftermath

- After defeating the demons, Idria and the Guardians of Armadyl teleport in to assist.
- Speak with Idria and the group at White Knights' Castle.
- They are determined to stop Lucien despite him possessing the Stone of Jas.

7. Story Continues

- If you've completed Dragon Slayer II before While Guthix Sleeps, an extra cutscene will play.
- Meanwhile, in the Lithkren Vault, three Dragonkin - Strisath, Sithaph, and Sakirth - awaken and plot to wreak havoc upon learning of Zorgoth's death and the Stone's use.

This concludes the epic quest "While Guthix Sleeps" with significant revelations and challenges along the way.

Congratulation! Quest Completed!

OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (64)


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OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.