FTC says CarShield didn’t cover car repairs as advertised (2024)

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August 01, 2024

Unfortunately, this happened to me. I had their "service" for over 9 months.

I took my vehicle to an authorized mechanic that I found in the CarShield app and was given a quote.
CarShield said they would not pay the entire amount because they wanted a "rebuilt" part to be installed.
The mechanic said no because it would void the warrant the mechanic shop offered.

The entire quote amount was nearly $1600, and I was expected to pay nearly $900 for my portion of the repair costs, since the authorized part was going to be installed instead of the rebuilt part, because the rebuilt part didn't match my vehicle make.

So, I told them to take a hike, and I cancelled the service.

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Denis M Loughran

August 05, 2024

In reply to Unfortunately, this happened… by Kristi

Car shield is a rip-off! Don't throw your money away!

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Erica Banks

August 05, 2024

It’s not just CarShield. I’m going through the same thing with Everything That Breaks. Before moving forward I asked the representative on the phone about coverage and was reassured several times I had full coverage inside and out SPECIFICALLY bumper to bumper and was told yes. As of today they are trying to not honor that or even take the time to pull the call as the representative said is usually done in situations like this and if it was offered/said or agreed then they will honor it. I am currently waiting a response from management. At this point I have already paid roughly $1,568 to this company.

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Westerly A Donohue

August 01, 2024

Helpful topic and well-written, concise story. This will be helpful for seniors in my HUD senior building who still drive, and are tempted to opt into a seemingly great deal for repairs. It would also be helpful to publish these shorter articles into Spanish and Russian.

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FTC Staff

August 01, 2024

In reply to Helpful topic and well… by Westerly A Donohue

Thanks so much for sharing this with residents in your HUD building. To see this blog in Spanish, click on the words Vea esta pagina en espanol at the top right of this page. To read more FTC consumer information in Spanish, go to www.consumidor.ftc.gov.

Get fraud prevention advice in Russian and 12 other languages at www.ftc.gov/languages. There are fact sheets about avoiding scams, identity theft, for recent refugees, and more. Read them online, link to them, or print them out to share.

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August 01, 2024

I always knew these guys were crooks and am furious their tv ads were allowed to air. Hope they go to prison.

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August 05, 2024

In reply to I always knew these guys… by GD

Couldn’t agree more. How can they advertise when they don’t do business in a transparent way to the consumer????

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J Settle

August 01, 2024

Having been a Service Manager for many years, purchasing a service contract is one of the biggest waste money. Buying a reputable vehicle is the best way to save money.

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Neville Barrett

August 01, 2024

Which of current car service would u recommend?

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Lockett Yee

August 05, 2024

In reply to Hi,I have car shield and… by Rick Dellacorino

Has there been any complaints submitted or referred to the FTC about another car warranty service called "Endurance"? How could one find out if there has been any?

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Hvishi Opa Luksi

August 01, 2024

Car Shield are definitely a fraudulent company. for the two years I paid them 144. 00 dollars every month, they covered nothing. FTC is right.

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August 01, 2024

I’m so glad that I got this email from Consumer Protection today!!
I was contacted by Car Shield to consider their services because my Jeep Liberty is 2007 and I was looking for something like Car Shield…
That was close! Thankful for the warning!!

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Michaeleen Boudeman

August 01, 2024

I hate those adds. I have never believed them either. There is enough dishonesty in the world without movie stars helping rip off people. Would never buy this product.

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August 01, 2024

Thank You

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dorothie jane

August 01, 2024

i expect that ,because it was promoted too much and every car dealership was pushing it like candy , my opinion if you can spend $30 a month on carshield you can put $30 a month back to pay for repairs

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August 01, 2024

I tried Carshield for several months. I spent more on repairs than I saved with them. They only covered a front wheel axle and a radiator for my car which was about $170. However, I spent $500 or more because they didn't cover such things as ac, transmission, brakes, etc. Don't use them or any of those companies because they are a rip off!!!!

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Matt LaBarre

August 01, 2024

Thank you! I had wondered about this "insurance"--and considered it...asked for references on facebook and heard nothing---so I decided not to look further. Your info reinforces that decision, and I appreciate it!

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Brenda Gwozdz

August 01, 2024

I had a contract with them and at first it was great. Then my transmission was needed to be replaced?? and they didn't cover it because I didn't have my transmission flushed at the mileage the owners manual recommended.
Endurance claimed the same thing. Yes, I had both companies because one would be expiring and I didn't want to renew it.
I recommend opening a bank account and just put 3 or 4K in it. Then each month put the sum of a monthly payment away for your repairs.

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William Coates

August 01, 2024

Thank you! Finally the truth about Car Shield. It’s a ripoff!!! They promise you and they don’t deliver using the billion of exceptions they put in the contract.

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John Canty

August 01, 2024

They also refer you to another Company associated with them for your claim.

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Sonia Reyes

August 01, 2024

This is the absolute truth! This company denied paying my engine repair because the engine failed due to a cooling system problem. I had to pay out of the pocket all the repair workas well as the diagnostics. My care insurance paid for my rental, Car Shield did nothing! And on top of everything they are no caring!

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Allen Fry

August 01, 2024

Thanks for the update on Car Shield!

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August 01, 2024

Shocking! I had great respect for two of the celebs in the ads until reading this FTC report. Now that 'respect' has gone fron 'great' to a
lowered level.
It's a wise practice to question all ads, aspecially when the ad sounds way to good to be true.
Thanks for the FTC report.

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Bea Mitchell

August 01, 2024

I guess if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. Luckily we have never dealt with them, we use local people.

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Ernie Cook

August 05, 2024

Endurance is the same way

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August 01, 2024

This is a wake up call because I was looking for some like that and when you got celebrities talking about it you got the attention. Thank you consumer report job well done.

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David L Boyden

August 01, 2024

"Service Contracts" promoted thru aggressive marketing are seldom a good deal. I just had a friend have to put a $12,000 motor in his late model small pick-up. Luckily the service contract was thru the original manufacturer.
Be very wary of auto dealers promoting expensive service agreements. They are easily one of the biggest money makers at new & used car dealers.

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Ruth Stanley Rothman

August 01, 2024

My husband enrolled in CarShield a few months ago. After a period of time, where we had clocked the required one thousand miles before our coverage was active, we had a problem with his car. We called Car Shield only you be told that Car Shield wouldn’t pay for any repairs, referring us to a third party, who had acquired our “contract “. We didn’t know we had a contract. Anyway, long story short, nothing was paid, third party informed us the payment would be approximately $20 per month more, and we had to wait until another one thousand miles was put on our vehicle , to be in effect. We decided to cancel and ask for a refund of all our payments. We are still waiting for that. Also we still receive solicitations from Car Shield, and hate seeing their continued advertising on television touting their wonderful company paying out over 1 billion dollars! They need to be put out of business!

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Roberta Maynard

August 01, 2024

I had Car Shield for a few years for my 2011 Dodge Ram. Every time I tried to get something repaired I would call to see if they covered it. They said yes. But when my mechanic would send in a request for an approval it was denied. In the whole time I had Car Shield I only got one thing fixed on my truck.
The monthly rate I was paying would have been better off in my savings account then I could have paid for my repairs myself.
After the only repair they did cover was done I dropped Car Shield like a bad habit!!!!
I would NEVER recommend them to anyone. Not even someone I hated!

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Dorthy singleton

August 01, 2024

I too was treated bad by car sheild,
And a auto shop called firstone and my car dearlership where I brought my car. They both refused Car sheild, which caused me a headache. I did not know thar a auto car shop can refuse Car shield .

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John H Williams

August 01, 2024

So what is the result? Fines, refunds to customers or nothing as usual?

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Jean Schreier

August 01, 2024

I have just reader the Consumer warning concerning CarShield. I am a CarShield customer. I chose Car Shield because it was one of the companies witht he hightest ratings by Forbes, Consumer etc and the FTC. Now I don't know what to do. Are you advising people to avoid CarShield, which sounds like a ripoff or what. I did have to make a claim under another auto service contract compnay that had not been rated and they paid out on a rather obscure claim that my dealer told me they expected wold be declined. I read the recommendations and switched to CarShield which, in light of the FTC consumer, seems to have been a mistake.

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August 01, 2024

The commercials are on every station and repeat over and over. Isn’t there something the FTC can do? If the company is as underhanded as explained here, the unsuspecting public needs protection and facts. Just posting here is not near enough.

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Lynne Lyons

August 01, 2024

Thank you for this information; it’s very important.

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Carla Westfall

August 05, 2024

I sold cars. Please pay attention to this article! Also, celebrities are paid to read a script that may have nothing to do with the truth!

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Art Diaz

August 05, 2024

Endurance is another company that did not cover any mechanical issues. Car dealers should be on the hook if they are selling products/contracts that say mechanical issues will be covered when they are not. I have had 3 contracts and they did not cover anything in almost 10 years. When requested coverage, they denied. Since car dealers make a great commission, they should be held accountable for the negligence. Thank you.

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Joe La Gambina

August 01, 2024

I never buy celebrity endorsed products. They are being paid to speak the script.

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Michael Gryder

August 01, 2024

Another “To Good To Be True Deal”

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Monique L King

August 01, 2024

I had Carshield policy and they continously gave me run around on Repairs, they refuse to take the repair facility calls, I ended up trading in my Honda and got another vehicle

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August 05, 2024

All warranty plans are a rip off in my opinion. The companies offering extended warranties are in business to make money. They pay out a lot less than they take in. Exclusions and other conditions are to make them more money. Most vehicles today are well-made and if maintained/serviced, preferably by the dealership it is highly unlikely you will need a major repair. Don't pay these people, put that money in a bank, drawing interest, and should some major repair be needed, you will have cash in the bank.

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Carlos Morcate

August 01, 2024

I've been wondering when Car Shield would be exposed. I do not understand why people fall for these fraudsters. Insurance, all of them, are FRAUDSTERS.

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Phil E. Brown

August 01, 2024

I signed up for car shield hoping that I would be able to save some money on car repairs Since I retired and on affixed income. every dealer that I had taken my vehicle too did not honor car shield policies. after anguish and discuss I terminated this company because of false and fraudulent information provided by celebrities and others.

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Veronica L Woolridge

August 05, 2024

I had to pay $1,800 when my transmission misfire and I paid car shield and full for my warranty they paid very minimum and I was out of $1,800 definitely false advertisem*nt if whoever received 10 million dollars how can I be refunded from that

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Allen J. Frankel

August 01, 2024

I am not at all surprised. Let the Buyer Beware applies to all business transactions.

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Murlene Nobles

August 01, 2024

I get mail ads almost weekly from them, including today's! Never fell for their scheme though. They just waste postage on me.

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Rick Hanold

August 01, 2024

A REAL misleading "scam"!...with misleading "spoke persons".

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Daryl Wayne Price

August 05, 2024

I have CarShield on my truck and my wife's car, what can I do to cancel and try to get my money back.

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Marty Dorsey

August 05, 2024

I paid $109 for eleven months. When I asked for a repair Car Shield refused
They never explained why they refused. I canceled the service but they never returned the money.

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FTC says CarShield didn’t cover car repairs as advertised (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.